Only love can win this war…

We are here with you.  You are not alone. 

Yes, it is a very troublesome time right now on the planet.  Yes, so many of you are hurting. Hurting. Hurting.  But this will not last forever.  In fact, the pain will begin to ease very soon. 

This time was foretold.  This time has been coming.  The pressure has been building and building and building.  And now it is time.  Time for change.  Time for new systems. Time for a new start. Time for a fresh start.  Time to regain equilibrium.  Time to balance the earth.  Time to balance, time to balance, time for balance. 

We know you are hurting. We know there has been so much pain. Pain inflicted needlessly.  Pain inflicted indiscriminately. This must stop.  We must stop the hate with love.  We must fight the hate with Love.  Only love can win this war. 

They have tried to fight these wars for as long as humanity has been on this planet, they have tried to fight these wars, to win these wars with Hate. 

And there are no winners when we fight with Hate. 

We must use love.  It is difficult to see through the haze of pain, the haze of hurt, the haze of confinement, of oppression, it is difficult to see clearly when you are in the throes of everything that you have had to deal with.  That you have had to endure.  But try, try, try. Try to lead with love.

It will take some time. That which has taken many centuries, many lifetimes, many generations to create, cannot be dismantled overnight, if only that were so. 

But one step after another, taken with love and purpose and compassion and the strength that only comes from deep within those wounds…new worlds, new realities, new possibilities for humanity CAN and WILL be created.

Systems are falling, it may not seem like it right now, but they are falling.  They are crumbling.

We all need people who are willing to stand and lead with love to take up the mantle.  To lead the revolution, the renaissance, the new paradigm, the new earth.

It is time.  It is time. The time is now.

We are with you, we love you.

~Channelled by Kelly Jane


Allow the magic of the Universe to move through you…


Allow yourself to thrive, it is time.