Allow the magic of the Universe to move through you…

A Channelled message from the Akashic Records for the Collective ~ September 2022

Dear One, the tides are turning. Slowly, but surely,
they turn.

Have you seen the shift? Have you felt the shift?
As subtle as it may be, be assured that big changes
are in motion.

Trust that all is as it should be. All is happening as it
should be. All is well. You are safe during this time.

For although there is chaos in abundance, so too is
there peace. Even in the midst of uncertainty, there is
a sweet sacred truth that everything is falling into

Recent times have thrown everything into the air.
Everything that was once thought to be solid has
become fluid. And all that is no longer needed is falling
away as a new way of being settles in.

All is well, Dear One. Despite all the uncertainty, trust
that freedom is coming. Have courage in moving
through these times of change.

Have courage in CREATING these times of change.
Have courage and create the freedom you desire.
Have courage and create the freedom you crave. Have
courage and create the freedom that is the birthright
of all.

Now is a time to heal. A time of healing for the body,
mind, spirit of all.

Now is a time for compassion. A time of compassion
for those who are unable to see what is possible. A
time for compassion for yourself. For the person who
made choices you may not make today. Forgive them.
Forgive yourself. And move forward.

Now is the time to move forward into the life you are
creating. Leave the past behind. Now is the time.

Allow the magic of the Universe to move through you,
to create with you. Allow yourself to see how the
Universe wants to work with you, through you, for you.

Watch, wait, and act when you know it is time to act.
For you will know.

Trust yourself.

~Channelled by Kelly Jane


Only love can win this war…