Allow yourself to thrive, it is time.

Dear Ones, everything is changing. 

Yet it's all so the same. 

The same problems, the same arguments, the same discord, the same wars, the same lies. 

Yet, it's all changing. 

It may be hard to see…for now, but know the change is happening.  It's happening now, and it will only gain momentum. 

Allow yourself to shed the layers that no longer feel right. To shed the layers of conditioning, of expectations, of everything that no longer FITS YOU. 

Allow it to fall away, and find yourself. 

Find the true essence of yourself, that which has been hidden beneath the layer after layer of lies, of abuse, of control, of suppression. 

Find her. Free her. 

Allow her to breathe deeply. 

Allow her to expand into her greatness. Into her immense BEING. 

Allow her to be all that you came here to be. 

Allow her to continue to smash through those layers, until there is only sovereign power, joy, love, hope and peace. 

It is possible, Dear One.

Even when it seems impossible.

Especially when it seems impossible. 

It is what you are here for.  It is what this time is about. 

Peeling off the detritus of HIStory's wounds.  And replacing it with love, and healing, and a future we can all thrive in. 

It is your birthright.

It is time.

The time is now.

Allow yourself to thrive.

It is your time.

~Channelled by Kelly Jane


Only love can win this war…


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