As guided by your Akashic Records Keepers, Kelly Jane will channel messages for you from the Record of your Soul, to help guide you and give you clarity of your Soul's Journey.

A gifted starseed + channel, Kelly Jane brings messages of hope, peace, love, healing, and transformation to those that seek it.

What are the Akashic Records Kelly Jane Akashic Records Reader KellyJaneWrites

What are the Akashic Records?

Commonly known as the “Book of Life”, the Akasha is an energetic database, a repository of every thought, action, deed performed by or to you, every word spoken, choice taken, feeling, intent - everything that ever was or will be, that any person has ever had. The ENTIRE history of EVERYTHING, ever.

And we can access them.

What is Reiki Kelly Jane Akashic Records Reader Master Reiki Healer KellyJaneWrites

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a healing system that allows you to heal yourself and others by channelling Reiki energy through the hands.

Reiki works on all levels, physical, spiritual, and emotional.

Reiki does not need to be performed in person to be received & effective. It can be done at any distance and be as potent as in person.

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