What are the Akashic Records?

Commonly known as the “Book of Life”, the Akasha is an energetic database, storing everything that has happened - past, present and future - for every soul, entity or life form (literally everything - your house, your business, EVERYTHING!) across all dimensions.

This “Library” has no physical form, it is as the Sanskrit name implies (sky, space, ether) stored in an energetic realm. It holds the memories of your current life, every life you have had previous to this one, and every life you will live in the future.

It is a repository of every thought, action, deed performed by or to you, every word spoken, choice taken, feeling, intent - everything that ever was or will be, that any person has ever had. The ENTIRE history of EVERYTHING, ever.

And we can access them.

Why would we access them? For what purpose?

There is great healing potential in the Records. So many of our illogical or otherwise irrational fears, traits, habits and limiting beliefs can be traced back to previous incarnations, or repressed memories from this one. The power in releasing those memories/blocks/fears and allowing us to move forward having acknowledged that they no longer have a hold on us in THIS life is immense.

We have the ability for Soul level healing in the Akashic Realm, freeing us to live the rest of our life liberated of the ancient ties that may still bind us.
We can also receive guidance from the Record Keepers, on how best to move forward on our current path, as every future possibility is also held in the Akasha.

As Linda Howe describes them:
“The Akashic Records offer empowerment and transformation by lending us exactly the wisdom, guidance, and energetic support that we need in this lifetime.”

Who can access the Records?

Anyone can. We each have a library, and we all have a team of Record Keepers (also known as Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones). Most important to know, we each have access to only our own records. Access is technically simple, but also takes practice and trust in both the process, and the information that is received. Also, it’s important to note that everyone receives their information in different ways, so finding what works for you is key to allowing messages through.

If trying this yourself is not your thing, then there are many like myself, who offer Akashic Records Reading as a service.

How do people read the Records for others?

Each soul has something akin to an energetic pin-code that grants access to our record. An energetic agreement must take place in order for any person to access the Records of another being. In the simplest terms, you saying “I give you permission to open my Records” is enough for your Record Keepers to allow me in and give me the information they have for you at this time.

We cannot open the Records of any person that we wish to. This is sacred information, and we WILL NOT be given access to anything if an energetic agreement has not been made. However, we can find out how a particular person, and their relationship with us in our life may be relevant to certain issues, or how we can best navigate the relationship with them. But the messages will only be relevant to how it effects us, and not specific information regarding the other person.

You must be aged over 18 to enter the Records, or have your Records read.

What do I ask the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Record Keepers truly only share with us, WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW, RIGHT NOW. They simply won’t tell us anything that is superfluous to what is required for our healing, or our journey at this moment. This can expand at any time, but they give us what we can handle, and what will be beneficial for us or what is truly relevant to the issue at hand on that day.

It is important to ask open questions, they just won’t give a Yes/No answer.

If you feel called to receive a message from your Akashic Records, book a reading here


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